交換留学生(KOMSTEP / USTEP-U)向け日本語コース

1.KOMSTEP/USTEP日本語コース設計の基本的な考え方 Basic Ideas for Designing the CGCS Japanese Language Courses
1) 多様な背景とニーズを持つ学生への対応 Accommodating Students with Various Backgrounds and Needs
2) 教室外環境の重視 Emphasizing the Settings outside the Classroom

2.KOMSTEP/USTEP-U(KU)日本語コース レベル別の目標 General Goals of Japanese Language Courses for KOMSTEP/USTEP(KU) on Each Level
1) 駒場の日本語科目について About Japanese Language Courses at Komaba
2) プレースメント,レベル分けの方針 Placement Policy
3)「総合日本語」科目について “Integrated Japanese” Courses
4) 個別日本語科目 Individual Courses

1. KOMSTEP/USTEP日本語コース設計の基本的な考え方
Basic Ideas for Designing the CGCS Japanese Language Courses
1) 多様な背景とニーズを持つ学生への対応
Accommodating Students with Various Backgrounds and Needs
The University of Tokyo’s KOMSTEP/USTEP program welcomes students with diverse backgrounds from all parts of the world. The students differ in what they have studied prior to coming to Japan and in what they hope to study while here. We thus introduce the autonomous learning system, Extension, to our courses and offer a variety of elective courses to meet these varied needs. The elective courses are designed to facilitate synergistic effects when taking the electives along with the required courses.

2) 教室外環境の重視
Emphasizing the Settings outside the Classroom
Using the Japanese language outside the classroom helps the student become a member of Japanese society. Our courses are designed with this in mind, i.e., that the students are in a “second language setting” in which they are in contact with Japanese people on a daily basis where they have the opportunity to use the language.

2.KOMSTEP/USTEP-U(KU)日本語コース レベル別の目標
General Goals of Japanese Language Courses for KOMSTEP/USTEP(KU) on Each Level
The levels of Japanese Language Courses are as follows:

総合日本語(総日) Integrated Japanese (IJ) *Japanese LevelCEFRJLPT LevelDescription
なしLS or higherC2N1 or higherJapanese with proficiency of a cultured native speaker, used in a wide variety of circumstances
なしL6/L7C1N1 (Advanced)Japanese used in a wide variety of circumstances
総合日本語(5) IJ (5)L5B2.2N2-N1 (Upper-Intermediate)Japanese used in everyday situations and some other circumstances
総合日本語(4)/(14) IJ (4)/(14)L4B2.1N3-N2 (Intermediate)Japanese used in everyday situations and some other circumstances
総合日本語(3)/(13) IJ (3)/(13)L3B1N4-N3 (Lower-Intermediate)Japanese used in everyday situations
総合日本語(2) IJ (2)(12)L2A2N5-N4 (Upper-Elementary)Basic Japanese in everyday use
なしL1A1N5 (Lower-Elementary)Simple Japanese in everyday use
N/AN/Apre-A1ZeroFor those who have no Japanese proficiency including reading or writing Japanese (hiragana and katakana)

Besides Integrated Japanese, there are also individual courses. See 4 for more details.

1)駒場の日本語科目について About Japanese Language Courses at Komaba
Those who want to register for CGCS-JLC must answer the Japanese language survey held beforehand and take the Online Placement Test before the designated deadlines. Neither the survey nor the test can be accepted after the deadlines for any reason. The guidance for the placement test has been sent to only those who answered the survey.

2)プレースメント,レベル分けの方針 Placement Policy
各学生はプレースメントテストの結果により、L1~L6, LSの7レベルに分けられます。ただし、ひらがな・カタカナの読み書きができないと判定された場合はN/Aとなり、駒場での日本語科目は受講を認められません。
To ensure better learning at the appropriate level, each student will be placed in one of the seven levels based on the result of the placement test. However, those who have been determined to have no literacy in hiragana and katakana will be marked as ‘N/A’ and will not be allowed to enroll in Japanese language courses at Komaba.

Students can only take the courses that are designed for each designated level.

“Integrated Japanese” Courses
“Integrated Japanese” courses are core courses. A course for L1 and L6-7 will NOT be offered. Students who were not able to score a certain minimum score will not be permitted to register for the course. Additionally, if the number of students registering for the class exceeds the class capacity, some may not be permitted to register for the course.

Individual Courses
KOMSTEP/USTEP students can take ‘Applied Japanese’ and ‘Japanese (「日本語」)’ offered to September-entry students of the College of Arts and Sciences. However, enrollment is not guaranteed. Instructors will decline your requests if there are too many applicants.

You can take ‘Japanese (共通日本語)’ and Japanese for Research’ offered to April-entry students of the College of Arts and Sciences.

For the specific course content, please see the UTokyo Online Course Catalogue.

UTokyo Online Course Catalogue